Inspiratorial' Front Page

The last two days has been one of the loadest day in my career-life. I have to be at the office by 8.30, preparing and adjusting for this...

The last two days has been one of the loadest day in my career-life. I have to be at the office by 8.30, preparing and adjusting for this periodical fullpage article with my copywriter partner.

This time is 6 pages long, should've done by two days only. Went home just before midnight were a "regular" working-time for anyone who worked in daily newspaper. There's a deadline we should stick to, and it's fookin' daily.

Anyway, I'm proud with the result. I'm using two tone-mode, which is red and its derivation from paler to darker. The navigation bar, in the left, were also shared this "red sensation", using red-brown background. Luckily, the advertisement below, UMM ads, brought more cheerful addition with its dominant green-yellow. Overall, pretty interesting for a newspaper frontpage, eh?

Contributors: all the photographers in StockXchange that generous enuff to let their photos taken (viva copyleft), UBAYA and STIKOM brochures (with their permission of coz), my wife' patience to wait for her beloved went home at dark, and also zillion of songs who accompanied me in that lunatic two days. You could read the summary at table in this blog. Last but not least, my cup of coffee...


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Daeng Ipul mengatakan...


pemilihan warnanya bagus, eye catching...tegas tapi tetap teduh..

iklannya UMM yg di bawah bukan km yg bikin..?, warnanya sayangnya kurang tegas yak...tapi ya lumayan kena lah sama warna merah coklat yg di samping...

( ngasih komen kayak jago aja yak..?, hehehehe.., btw I'm Back..!!)

Helman Taofani mengatakan...

Iklan UMM? Keren gituuuu...jelas bukan...hehehhe. Secara color-coordinated emang si beda, tapi menurut gw malah nyelametin jadi ngga terlalu dikuasai merah (mentang-mentang Milan menang).

Anyway, welcome back! :D

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